Monday, February 25, 2008

How You Can Help Save Kosovo Now!

American Council for Kosovo is appealing to Americans for help. Please visit the link near the bottom of this post to read more about the travesty of justice in Serbia:

The American Council for Kosovo asks all Americans and citizens of other countries to contact your government to demand:

  • No diplomatic ties should be established with the illegal, criminal, separatist, KLA regime in Pristina! Any ambassador nominated to Pristina must be denied confirmation!
  • No foreign assistance to the illegal, criminal, separatist, KLA regime in Pristina!
  • No support by the foreign mission in Kosovo should given to KLA terrorist efforts to expand their “authority” into Serb-controlled areas!
  • The EU “rule of law” occupation force must be withdrawn!
  • The illegal “puppet entity” on Serbian soil must be dissolved!
  • New negotiations, without preconceived results, must be started between Serbia and responsible representatives of the Albanian community to reach a lasting settle consistent with international law!

Americans immediately should contact their Senators and Congressmen with these demands. They should call the White House (202-456-1111) to protest U.S. recognition and demand the above measures, or email to:

President George W. Bush:

Vice President Richard B. Cheney:

James George Jatras
Director, American Council for Kosovo
( - Special Appeal from the
American Council for Kosovo

Complete List of Congressional Emails & Fax Numbers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was disgusted to see the picture of Fikret Alik again without the title PRISON CAMP FRAUD. Don't you realise that millions of us know the truth, that we don't rely on or need the MSM. Penny Marshall of ITN fabricated this picture in an open relief camp. She and the camera crew were within the barbed wire enclosure and the people came over to see what was happening. She had Fikret Alik, a skinny man with a genetic disorder, come forward for a picture that was used for obscene propaganda purposes, a picture that helped justify in the minds of the public the bombing of innocent Serb civilians - not to mention journalists in the TV centre.

The Srebrenica massacre story is also a fraud. Yes, many died on both sides but there was never a football stadium massacre of thousands of men and boys. You people are the 'useful idiots' of the New World Order, and that is a compliment, because if you are not, then you are vile murdering leftist propagandists, just like the National Socialists, the Bolsheviks, the Communists and all others on the left. You are helping the Bilderbergers to break up nations and divide people the better to railroad us all into a global communist dictatorship with a puppet leader controlled by Wall Street bankers.

'Moster' Karadzic will not see the end of his trial as they will find, as with Milosovic, they have nothing against him, but that he has plenty of evidence against the West.

I have forwarded Allison Martin's details to the relevant groups in the Balkans. I advise her not to go on holiday to that region.


Lubish moje dupe!