Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Heartbreak Of The Day

Grab your tissues. A jailed terrorist is complaining that, without his Walkman, life in prison is unbearable...

An al-Qaeda operative serving life in prison for his role in the bombing of American embassies in Africa contends that his rights are being violated by U.S. jailers who have denied him access to Arabic publications and religious books, limited his mail privileges, and no longer allow him to use a Walkman. Mohamed Al-Owhali, 32, claims that his incarceration at the "supermax" federal prison in Florence, Colorado has left him so severely depressed that he stopped eating for months...

The Smoking Gun


Anonymous said...

I can't stop crying!!!
Why don't they put those in Guantanamo Bay? Oh that's right because Guantanamo is now a resort and spa thanks to the brainless liberals.

Anonymous said...

Some libtard from Europe tried to tell me Guantanamo Bay parallels the "Soviet Gulags" in cruelty...


After I finally stopped laughing so hard so I could breath again, I told him "yeah a gulag where Muslims get their custom meals and Qurans to pray 5 times a day?".

No response.

Like usual.