Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Albania Children Protest Child Abuse and Slavery

Albania is majority Muslim. Is it any surprise that these 7th Century Savages™ condone or participate in child slavery? My guess is, most of these abused and exploited children are female, the "deficient" sex according to Muslim scholars.

One in two of Albania's children experience physical violence at home and one in three at school, according to UNICEF. Based on the 2006 report of the Ministry of Interior, last year in Albania there were some four hundred cases of child violence reported and around 50 of them resulted in the child's death.

In a press conference organized on November 19th World Vision as a member of the coalition against child violence, a coalition of a dozen local and international NGOs, appealed to the Albania government to take rapid actions in ratifying the convent against child abuse and child labor.

According to the Women's World Summit Foundation, every year over 1 million children are pulled into the sex trade, some 180 million are exploited for work and over 120 million will never go to school.


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