Friday, May 1, 2009

Charles Johnson Wins 'Dhimwit Of The Month' Award

Dhimwit of the Month Honors

Dhim·wit (dïm-wît) - A non-Muslim member of a free society that abets the stated cause of Islamic domination with remarkable gullibility and creativity. A dhimwit is always quick to extend sympathy to the very enemy that would take away his or her own freedom (or life) if given the opportunity.

Anyone who has made a fool out of the mainstream media as often as the Charles Johnson has can’t be all bad – even if he is making a bigger fool out of himself these days. Five years ago, the talented creator of the Little Green Footballs blog and “co-founder” of Pajamas Media (a top-notch web magazine) went toe-to-toe with CBS News and not only took down Dan Rather, but also won a great deal of respect for on-line journalism in the process…

Then things got weird. Really weird.

Read the rest: takes on LGF...

(Cross-posted at Avid Editor's Insights)

[UPDATE] - For the purpose of clarifying exactly what Charles meant in accusing Pam Geller and Robert Spencer of associating with "fascists," brave LGF commenter 'horatiolust' asked Charles to define the word.

Charles' great & insightful reply: