Monday, March 8, 2010

Pentagon Shooter A Muslim Convert?

John Patrick Bedell, the man who went on a shooting spree outside the Pentagon this week, was a Bush-hating, pot smoking, registered democrat. Although officials said he did not have any suspected links to terrorist groups, it was discovered this weekend that Bedell used the Arabic term “inshallah” or “God willing,” using Arabic font – “إن شاء الله” – on more than one on his internet postings.

Pentagon Shooter & Registered Democrat Used Islamic Terms, Jihad Code, Arabic Script In His Internet Postings

The Jihad our government doesn't want you to know about...


Sharia said...

i know you dislike that sharia is talking over the world, but that is a fact, so get used to it!

DMartyr said...

Wishful thinking, mate.

The self-serving laws of a pedophile savage will never prevail in any civilized society.

Anonymous said...

Fascism appeared to be making great strides towards global political hegemony in the 20's '30s and '40s, then it was soundly defeated. If fascism was destroyed, then surely Shari'a (which is Ur-Fascism) will be as well. Totalitarianism cannot thrive among a people who love true freedom and liberty -- not the fake "hurriyyah" or "azadi" which actually mean "perfect slavery to Allah".

DMartyr said...

Hey, Philip! Thanks for stopping by. I'm enjoying your contributions at Avid Editor's Insights.
