Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things That Don't Offend Muslims

A couple of years ago, I blogged a list of things that offend Muslims. You can find the complete, extensive list at The Amboy Times blog.

This time, I present a list of things that don't offend Muslims, courtesy of Planck's Constant:

* Honor Killings

* The rape of Infidel Women

* Whipping the Victims of Rape

* the slaughter of nearly 3000 innocent people

* Hanging gays simply because they are gay

* Anti-Jewish Cartoons

* Killing Christians simply because they are Christians

* Killing your wife if she asks for a divorce

* Female genital mutilation

Click over to Planck's Constant for footnotes and source links.

(Cross-posted at and Avid Editor's Insights)

1 comment:

bernie said...

Thanks for mentioning my article, it is most appreciated.