Saturday, June 19, 2010

Israel Versus Iran Betting Pool

When Israel bombs Iran's nuclear sites, what civilian target will Iran claim was destroyed by mistake? has a Betting Pool on it. If you have a blog, go play. It costs nothing and you might win a one-of-a-kind prize!

(Cross-posted at Avid Editor's Insights)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Muhammad Inspired...

More Muhammad inspired images at

(WARNING: Some not safe for work!)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Get Some

Help stop terrorism. Order your bottle of Silver Bullet Gun Oil today!

SILVER BULLET GUN OIL CONTAINS 13% USDA LIQUEFIED PIG FAT. The PIG FAT is mixed with our blended, hi-grade WEAPONS OIL designed for use in ALL FIREARMS. The oil is applied to the inside of the barrel of any firearm or weapons system. When fired, BULLETS are coated with SILVER BULLET GUN OIL containing the PIG FAT. The PIG FAT is transferred to anything the BULLETS STRIKE.

How does that deter terrorism? Click on over to Silver Bullet Gun Oil to find out.

UPDATE: You can help our soldiers deter terrorism by donating HERE.

(Cross-posted at and Avid Editor's Insights)

FREE GAZA! (The True Version)

(Hat Tip: Kae's Bloodnut via Jihad Watch)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Peace Cartoon

(Hat Tip: Avid Editor's Insights)

True Face of Islam

Go show your support - An ex-Muslim standing up for truth:

Today the humanity is facing a great danger. Islamic fundamentalism is on the rise and the hatred is brewing in the minds of millions of Muslims. This hatred must be contained or there would be disastrous consequences. We believe that the education is the only answer. Muslim intellectuals must realize that Islam is a false doctrine and they must let the rest of Islamic world know the truth. Islam is a religion that thrives on the arrogant assumption that it is the most logical, the most scientific and the most perfect religion. While the fact is that it is the stupidest doctrine — the most backward and absurd belief. Once the truth about Islam becomes common knowledge, it will be weakened and the Islamic fanaticism will lose its fangs. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being expended to combat Islamic terrorism, yet no effort is made to contain the ideology behind this terrorism. It is our belief that Islamic terrorism will not be eliminated unless and until the ideology behind it is exposed and eradicated. This is what we intend to do.

The True Face of Islam Blog

(Hat Tip: Jawa Report)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Union: The Business of Getting High

Ever wonder what British Columbia’s most profitable industries are? Logging? Fishing? Tourism? Ever think to include marijuana? If you haven’t, think again. No longer a hobby for the stereotypical hippie culture of the ’60s, BC’s illegal marijuana trade industry has evolved into a seemingly unstoppable business giant, dubbed by those involved as ‘The Union’.

Commanding upwards of $7 billion Canadian annually, The Union’s roots stretch far and wide, directly and indirectly affecting all areas of our society. With 65% to 85% of all ‘BC Bud’ being exported to the United States, it’s clear that the BC marijuana trade has become an international issue with consequences that extend far beyond our borders. When there are record profits to be made, who are the players, and when do their motives become questionable?

  • Why is marijuana illegal?
  • What health risks do we really face?
  • Does prohabition work?
  • What would happen if we taxed it?
  • Medicine, paper, fuel, textiles, food, etc. Are we missing something here?

Follow filmmaker Adam Scorgie as he dives head first into Canada’s most socially acceptable illegal activity. Along the way, Adam demsytifies the underground market and brings to light how such a large industry can function while remaining illegal. By interviewing experts from around the globe, including growers, clippers, police officers, criminalogists, economists, psychologists, medical doctors, politicians and pop culture icons, Scorgie explores the cause and effect nature of the business behind getting high.

Nobody’s innocent in this exploration of an industry that may be profiting more by being illegal. Join Adam Scorgie as he unravels the mystery of The Union.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gaza Flotilla Choir Presents "We Con The World"

UPDATE: Youtube has deleted the video for "copyright violation". I have switched to the LiveLeak version.

Hat Tip: Jawa Report

(Cross-posted at Avid Editor's Insights)